
heirlooms and souvenirs

bundles of diaries, dated and


dust of a moth's wings

alarm clocks and morning sings

secured you like a promise ring

my eternal beloved at the town's spring fling

at our puppet show, these are the things —

the secret moans and the howlings —

our closed-door hinges have failed to swing

Copyright © Stephanie Khio 2025



Residues and overdues,

a library of lates and past dues.

Drunk off the fumes.

Secondhand smoke.

Colossal loss.

Intuitive hoax.

Off with his head!

Lead him astray!

It was never what I wanted to say.

A flock of sparrows hide

from this threatening bird of prey.

Copyright © Stephanie Khio 2025



We place an asterisk on our convictions.

The mass is gone,

now we heal from the incision.

The absence of the abscess of you.

The incense, the prayers,

the rows of wooden pews.

Holy mass that smudges the mass.

Hollow in places an organ should be.






Self-inflicted autoimmunity.

You were never the appendix

but the chapters of the story.

The lead-up to the orgasm—

a psychedelic epiphany.


Like morsels to the tongue.

And notes of vanilla bean.

But hell has made me

a wild feathered thing.

These wings bluff freedom

with these tongue-tied tetherings.

The thought of you was a kiss on the hand.

That lucid love,

even in a dream,

had given you a tan.

Copyright © Stephanie Khio 2025



One severed,

now I’m pulled by seven.

In peripheral, rearview spaces.

Blooming in places.

Hopping out of seas.

Mourning doves

landing on trees.

A haunted hymn and a folded knee.

The shape of milk in a cup of tea.

Distance is a hotel wall.

With secret moans discerned from the hall.

Closing the door still makes one hear.

Far is the wall yet the sounds are near.

Time wasted waited.







Is it enough—

to be aged and dated?

Will these lunar pulls

and responding waves

ever be validated?

Copyright © Stephanie Khio 2025


Use Your Claws

Chapters of virginity—

it’s time to get your nails dirty.

Hurls and throws

that dig beneath

the snow.

Awaiting the thaw.

Whiteness is a gauze.

Rip out

your fucking claws.

Puncture me.

Paint your bland modesty.

Our novel of farewells

had never dared a greeting.

We did the long lusting—

it’s time for the eating.

Copyright © Stephanie Khio 2025



My ocean song wails

but you hear the wrong sirens.

In melancholy I steep

after brushing you away with a violent sweep.

Blaming the strings for the nets we’ve woven.

An amalgamation of oceans.

Hills and lights.

I travel then leave my jewelry behind.

We break so we can fix.

We yearn so we can lick.

Holding it in the mouth

to dine on the decadence.

Immortalize me.

No chewing.

No swallowing.

Who will I be when you paint my pristine?

Will the mystery die once you’ve colored my clean?

I long to be the sun that opens your bud of leaves.

I have come out of many closets

of secrets and beliefs.

At times the magician,

but lately the mortician.

Shape-shifting like the Bobinsana tree.

When will life finally bend for me?

When will I

make a dent


split the sea?

When will I stop

with all the burying?

I returned a proxy.

Pulled off many faces.

Hijabbed my head with shawls and laces.

Descended far too many staircases.


The muffle between radio stations.

Looking down at the carcasses, 

we grieve the annihilation.

I’m polished now,

but who will care to wear me?

They can no longer afford luxuries.

Not in this economy.

The ocean has swallowed up my jewelry.

I speak the language of epiphanies.

I dive into the fearful unknown

but fear the vast landscapes of knowns.

I’ve dreaded every elevator.

And everything familiar 

for fear of its disfigurement.

No wonder I isolated myself on islands

and have gargoyles on my shoulders.

Distance makes the tea grow colder.

Yet no amount of distance can make us distant.

I’ve crossed oceans.

I’ve prophesied.

Seen unusual sights on ordinary train rides.

I’ve sensed movement in our unwanted pauses.

And I’ve stepped out of many closets.

I stopped the hiding so you could finally seek.

So tell me now,

who will

dare to wear


Copyright © Stephanie Khio 2024
